
fantasy Story this111- Critique

Starting comments

I'm back. I don't know what help my suggestions will have because I don't understand what you are trying to achieve with these pieces. If I understood the "point" then I could offer more suggestions.

He ran. Cutting across yards and alleys, Bone hustled alongside the railroad yard until slipping into a curtain of thick bamboo. Their sandlot was just beyond it. Can’t be late. Rules. Arrive on time or ride the bench.

Closing comments

Commenting on these pieces is as difficult as commenting on an atom. Your work is, as always, very, very good but it happens on such a micro level that I don't know how good or bad it is because it doesn't exist within a larger context. I guess this is what I mean when I say what is the "point". What is the larger context within which these moments in time exist? Do you have any longer pieces?

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